Then: RPGs

Now: Still RPGs, but I'm more honest and upfront about my (significant) love for other genres as well.

If you ask me to describe my tastes in music, film or videogames, I am in that rare-ish but awkward position of being able to say I like "any kind so long as it's good".

I am the kind of person who will happily obsess and rewatch the entire MCU timeline, while at the same time watch and enjoy a horror film (be that a top-tier or a B or C list one), I love European and Asian cinema,  will chomp down on popcorn while watching the next mindless Fast & Furious installment or a Judd Apatow film.

(But not Adam Sandler. There's a limit).

I'm the same way with games. I love RTS games, and Age of Empires, Command and Conquer, StarCraft, Total Annhiliation and Dawn of War will forever be in my heart. Same for Shooters. Same for Adventure games. Same for management games, Simulation games, racing games, puzzle games, action games, hack and slashes and even smaller more experimental titles like The Stanley Parable.

However, when you get down to it, I have to choose only 1 genre.

For the reasons mentioned last time, I still choose RPGs.

And true, "pure" RPGs are not that common as they used to be, and are nowadays usually the fist element in a compound mixture (action RPGS, shooter RPGs, online RPGs etc), but the genre still remains and is represented in its pure form in series such as Pillars of Eternity or the sequel to my favourite game of all time, Baldur's Gate 3 (that I am somehow not that excited about)



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