60 DAYS OF GAMING: DECADE ANNIVERSARY - DAY 12: a game everyone should play

Then: One Chance

Now: I am really struggling with this one if I'm honest. People have too varied tastes for me to reliably say someone should play x or y.

So I'm going to go with One Chance again.

Quoting (and expanding) from last time: 

One Chance is a rudimentary adventure game, nevertheless, one that displays everything's that good about gaming, everything we wish non-gamers could see.

If every anti-gaming person could play it, it would change so much of their false perceptions about gaming. It deals with choices, morality, prioritisations and, when you get down to it: balance or the absence thereof.

It also reminds something to hard-core gamers as well: in real life, you get no multiple save slots, no second chances, no rewinds, no mulligans. You only get the one chance.

Play it for free here

And I should point out, again: You only get one playthrough (unless you clear your browser cache, that is).


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