60 DAYS OF GAMING: DECADE ANNIVERSARY - DAY 29: A game I thought I wouldn't like but ended up loving

Then: Tomb Raider Legend

Now: Diablo III

I did not see this coming.

Usually I go into a game knowing more or less what I will find, due to both having played a ton of crap, a surprisingly accurate intuition and deductive skills.

But Diablo 3 caught me by surprise when it came out back in 2012. I was going to play it just enough to validate my gut feeling I had for it, borne out of my experiences -or lack therof- of its previous two installments. Instead, I loved it, and gave it a very positive review.

Still, at the time I figured I'd play the campaign a few times in varying difficulties to try out different classes and playstyle and that would be it. It would be amazing for others, but only good in a small dose for me.

It's testament to its polish and quality, then, as well as Blizzard's refusal to drop it despite working on one sequel and one offshoot, that I still find myself actively playing and sinking hours upon hours into it in 2021.


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