"This is not a good look for me!"

Steve Carrel's line aside, I hope you like the blog's new template/background/design. 

I'd appreciate some feedback on it, especially compared to what it used to look like. In case you don't remember, check out the 60 Days of Gaming mini-blog (link is straight under the main title). 



  1. great blog! love the content, background, layout
    but maybe change the font of the text to the right of the screen- contact info etc..
    if I look at it any longer I may get eye cancer!

    I'm sure you're not sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for my opinion.. but I gave it to you anyway.
    In the end, it's your blog. Do what you want with it. Simple, really.


  2. oh crap.. even my comment's in that font! change it!!

    kf kf


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