Real L4D?

I love some of my facebook friends, I really do. Because, sometimes, just sometimes, something really awesome will pop on my newsfeed. Something like 2.8 Hours Later. And, while more an RPG than a video game, I just had to cover this. I hope Pete from will forgive me for invading on his turf.

Now, obviously I'm not taking credit for unearthing this, the credit goes to my friend Andreas. Also, I didn't make this up or write the original piece (which can be found here: ). But I'm more taken than I wanted to be (undead phobia, remember?).

The concept is basically that of a live-action rpg/treasure hunt on a zombie apocalypse scenario. Upon reading the article, I got simultaneously excited and depressed. Excited, because I would just love to play this, depressed because I know it will probably never happen where I live. 



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