Holy crap, I'm sooooooo behind on this.
Let's get cracking.
We were left on Day 30 - My favourite game of all time: Baldur's Gate Saga
This may be pure nostalgia at this point: despite my best intentions, I have not yet managed to get myself to fully replay this saga with a ranger, something I've been fully aiming to do since...um...2007 or so.
But that playthrough of Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 back in the early 2000es that allowed me to import my character from the first game into the second and seamlessly continue the epic tale of the * ugh* paladin I was playing (I was 16, ok?) will probably forever stand in my heart as the seminal story-telling in gaming, and probably what has shaped me for many years of my young adult life, and has definitely informed how I interact with people, romance, overwhelming odds, taught me how to accept or mourn the things I cannot control and how to fight for what I can.
Purely for its sheer importance (which it gained by being incredibly well-crafted), I think it will forever be my favourite game of all time.
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