"Expect a return to the regularly updated blog schedule shortly."
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O RLY? |
You know what, you're right. I said that a month and a half ago and then went and did the exact opposite. I didn't cover GTA V. I didn't preview any of the hotshot titles coming in this fall. I didn't talk about the Battlefield 4 Beta. I didn't even get to hint about a certain NDA-protected closed Alpha of a first Class, kiCkass series' upcoming sequel I'm sort of trying out these days. Heck, I didn't even talk about SteamOS. I've been way too busy, and I could repeat my "choose to enjoy games rather than writing about them" mantra, but it wouldn't really make a difference. I dropped the ball and have no excuse. Bad, bad Korn.
Hey, there's a silver lining, though. You guys ready?
Korn's Arcade is going to be on TV.
Sort of.
I can't give out details at this point, but your beloved (or behated, I guess) Korn seems to be moving up in terms of credibility. Again, I can't go into details, and I certainly don't want to jinx it. However, some of you may be wondering about the fate of this here blog.
The truth is, I've been toying with the idea of turning it into a Twitch show or a Youtube vlog for quite some time, but I do so love writing. Also, video editing isn't nor has it ever been my forte. So now that I will be doing this on a proper TV station as a job, where other people would provide the games to review etc and would do all the post-production, would I quit the blog?
Short answer: No.
Longer answer: Seeing as it will be a job, with sponsors and everything, it means I'll be restricted in covering specific subjects as harshly as I might need/want to. I'll have none of that. While the show will be essentially a commercial one, that doesn't mean I'm being defanged when it comes to my own special brand of opinion. So don't be surprised if you see me fail to mention things I hate about a game on the show, then list them one by one on here. I won't be so much reviewing games as presenting them. Besides, I won't have nearly enough time to talk about anything and everything I want. So, yeah...the blog stays.
See you soon.
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