In the grim dark future, there is only...Blizzcon.
It's a bit ironic that I'm using a Warhammer 40k quote as a title for a Blizzcon post, especially considering how much 40k fan(boy)s moan that the Starcraft's Terrans are a copy of the Space Marines, but still.
Blizzcon is still going on, and you should expect a full expose on it when it's done, but for now, here's the quick rundown on WoW changes come the new expansion, Mists of Pandaria.
* Complete overhaul of the talent, spec and training system.
* Level cap increased to 90.
* One new playable race, common to both factions, the Pandaren.
* One new hybrid class, the Monk, which plays a bit differently to all other classes so far.
* Druid feral spec split down the middle, separating feral tanking and dps, bringing the druids to four possible specs.
* New continent, Pandaria, is going to be both the Pandaren starting zone and the 85-90 hotspot.
* Heroic Scholomance and Scarlet Monastery.
* 7 new heroics and 3 new raids on launch.
* Additional ways of gaining Valor points, such as group event quests or heroic challenges.
* Three new battlegrounds.
* Bizzarely, non-combat pet combat, pokemon-style. Alliance Balloon, I choose you!
* Limited window of opportunity to get the WoW annual pass, a pledge to keep buying WoW subscriptions for 12 months. In return, you get Tyrael's Charger, a cool new account-bound mount, guaranteed access to the Mists of Pandaria beta and a free copy of Diablo 3.
Turns out I was right about the new class, but not the new race thing. Oh well!
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